Other Healing Services
Karuna and her helping spirits offer a variety of shamanic healing services.
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Shamanic Counseling
The central purpose of shamanic counseling is to establish the relationship between the client and her/his spirit teachers and power animals. In this way, the client becomes the "shaman" for him/herself. The spirit teachers, the true counselors, are then asked for guidance in resolving the present issue the client brings to the session. The shamanic counselor is there as the teacher of the journeying method and to empower the client to learn to interpret the symbolic language of her/his own journeys. The shamanic counselor can also journey with the client on his/her behalf.

Death and Dying Skills
There are shamanic healing techniques that can assist people in their dying, helping them to face the experience with Spirit. Soul retrieval and power retrieval at this juncture can be very important for the passing over.

House Blessing and Clearing
Clear your home or office of stagnant energies and create a new, positive energy with a blessing ceremony.

Distant Healing
All ceremonies can be done remotely.